We believe there is good student research out there that should be shared. ICOMOS has culled through abstracts and presents the most relevant and innovative among them, followed by a discussion among its expert members in those fields.
[Schedule for the 2nd ICOMOS Philippines Student Symposium]
Check out our lineup for #IPSS2021!
Day 1, 28 May 2021 (Friday)
OPENING SESSION: Heritage Makers, Change Makers
Keynote Address by Dr. Felipe de Leon Jr., NCCA National Music Committee Chair
SESSION 1: The doing of built heritage conservation: Methods and approach
Paper presentations by Vangie Cheryl Ulila, Tiffany Bello & Shayna Mari Tria
Day 2, 29 May 2021 (Saturday)
SESSION 2: Heritage Values: Intangible meanings, tangible effects
Paper presentations by Jose Medriano III, Mary Marguerette Cruz, Louie Ann Valeriano & Jezreel R. Nugas
SESSION 3: Adaptive Reuse: Old buildings, new uses
Paper presentations by Ira Ben Tobis, Jazel Lynn Ong & Gellaine Marie Burgos
This is a free event. Scan the QR code or go to tinyurl.com/IPSS2021 to register now!