In accordance with the ICOMOS Philippines By-laws, the 2020 General Assembly will elect the Board of Trustees for a term of three years (2020-2023). The Board of Trustees will elect among themselves the Chairman / President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Information Session, held last 30 October 2020, provided more information on proposed policies, procedures, and by-laws amendments which further elaborated the scopes and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees.
Functions and Powers of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall have general charge of the property, business and affairs of the Organization with the power to manage, direct, and supervise the same under its collective responsibility as provided in the By-laws and the Policies and Procedure. Trustees shall:
- Appoint or elect all officers, employees, and other administrative officers of the Organization as may be designated, except junior officers and minor employees; to define their duties and to discipline or remove them.
- Purchase or otherwise acquire for the Organization rights and privileges of properties, and to manage, conserve, and invest the funds of the Organization
- Approve the annual budget of the Organization
- Delegate from time to time any of the powers of the Board which can lawfully be delegated to any standing or special committee or to any agent or officers and to appoint any person or persons to act as agents of the Organization with such powers and upon such terms as it may deem fit.
Additional Scope of Work of the Board of Trustees (based on the Policies and Procedure 2020)
Members of the ICOMOS Philippines Board of Trustees donate time and expertise to the Organization and they are part of a working board. As such, Trustees are expected to do the following tasks:
- Donate a minimum of 10-20 hours a month of their time to the organization. Each trustee must take charge of one of the following for the duration of their tenure: staff management; fundraising; or 1 project per year
- Assist the President in the cultivation of donors, partners, supporters, collaborators, allies, and other stakeholders
- Ensure the organization’s activities are compliant and in furtherance of its mission in compliance with international parent organizations and local mission / vision
- Engage in the creation of long and short-term goals with the President
- Assist in review of financial statement
- Respond to email within 48 hours for items for Board approval, as and when required.

Application Procedure:
Interested parties should submit their letter of intent and (1) curriculum vitae, (2) letter of intent, and (3) proposed agenda for the next 3 years to the ICOMOS Philippines Secretariat at info@icomosphilippines.com with the email title “Trustees Application 2020 – Last Name” by 15 November 2020.
For more information on the position and how to apply, please read the information below.