ICOMOS PH Intern Supitcha Sutthanonkul will be presenting her research: “The Philippine Tentative List Preliminary Evaluation Strategy: Considerations for the Better of the World Heritage Tentative List in the Context of the Philippines” in a Members-Only Event on February 18, 2021 at 8PM PST.

The State Party of the Philippines ratified the World Heritage Convention 1985 and has since inscribed 6 sites in the World Heritage List. Currently, the Tentative List of the Philippines has 19 sites presented and has evolved since 1993 with several notable listings in 2006, the edited and elimination in 2009, and listing again in 2015. Considering the numbers of the sites that were still listed since 1993 and later years, the current evaluation process of the Tentative List could be challenging. However, the evolution in various years indicates the attempt of the State Party to develop the Tentative List for the future nomination.
ICOMOS PH intends to investigate the current stage of the Tentative List of the Philippines and its strengths and weaknesses and to thread a pathway through the institutional history of the tentative list and find the potential development in the context of the State Party of Philippines. This research focuses on gathering the theoretical point of view from the desktop review and the practical experience by the interview of heritage practitioners in the country to conduct the systematic analysis comparing with the international recommendations and find the possible challenges that could affect the Tentative List requirement and process. The output is the issue-based analysis and the preliminary strategy with potential development for the better evaluation process of the Philippine Tentative List.
Contact us to learn more about the ICOMOS Philippines Internship Program info@icomosphilippines.com