New ICOMOS Philippines interns. Supitcha Sutthanonkul (left) and Ceirene Malolos (right)
With rising interest on collaborative heritage research, mentorship and the development of communications strategies for the organization, ICOMOS Philippines is happy to share that we will have two new interns working with us for the next three months:
Supitcha ‘Maysa’ Sutthanonkul is a heritage studies student from Thailand who is pursuing her master’s degree in World Heritage Studies in Brandenburg University of Technology in Cottbus, Germany. She has a background in architecture with a major in interior architecture. She has done projects related to history, heritage, architectural conservation and urban development. Her interests include industrial heritage, sustainable development, and adaptive- reuse of architecture in the urban context.
Maysa decided to join the internship program to learn about heritage conservation in a different context from Thailand gaining experience from one of the very active national committees of ICOMOS. She hopes to use skills and advice from her mentors, Gabriel Caballero and John Peterson to develop fruitful research for the heritage field in the future.
Maysa will be researching on the current state of the World Heritage Tentative List of the Philippines for the next three months.
CeireneMalolos is a graduate of Communication Arts from De La Salle University Manila and is currently taking her Masters in ASEAN Studies at the University of the Philippines Open University. Concurrent to her graduate studies, she participated in the ASEAN University Network – ASEAN Credit Transfer System at the National University of Singapore; and she was also a Darmasiswa Scholarship awardee taking Pure Fine Arts (Seni Rupa Murni) at the Indonesian Institute of the Arts in Denpasar, Bali in Indonesia.
By applying at the ICOMOS Internship Program, Cen intends to grow her expertise and knowledge on Philippine culture and heritage adding to her on-going area studies track, share and raise awareness about the current state of her country’s own culture and heritage – in the Philippines and beyond.
Aside from the advancement of the Project Alexandria research under the tutelage of Tina Paterno, Cen will further develop the organization’s communications strategy, particularly reviewing the video and graphic content to further the objectives of effectively communicating with the public, stakeholders and its members. She will be working with Communications Committee Member, Claudia Montero to further develop the brand of ICOMOS Philippines.
Welcome, Maysa and Cen! We’re very pleased to have your assistance.
Last 3 November 2020, ICOMOS International announced the appointment of ICOMOS Philippines Member Mr. Gabriel Caballero as the incoming Focal Point for the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2021-2023.
Considering the urgencies the world’s societies are facing today affecting the cultural and natural heritage, and the potential of heritage to help address these, the 2030 Agenda is an imperative to transform the framework of cultural heritage protection in the next ten years. Cultural heritage goes beyond monuments. It has a crucial role for the well-being of communities, which needs to be harnessed for sustainable urban and rural and socio-economic development, in particular for post-COVID recovery strategies at international, national, and local levels. ICOMOS is a leading global voice in integrating cultural heritage within sustainable development framework. The SDGs Working Group coordinates ICOMOS response to the 2030 Agenda, through advocacy, policy, localizing of the SDGs.
Here is what Gabriel Caballero said to the SDGWG explaining his thoughts on the next years ahead.
As Focal Point, Mr. Caballero will act as a facilitator and coordinator for ICOMOS International’s work in relation to the global sustainable development policy arena. He will also coordinate the activities of the SDGs Working Group (SDGWG) under the supervision of the Working Group Chair and the ICOMOS Director General, and in close coordination with the International Secretariat. He is mandated to push forward the implementation of the ICOMOS Action Plan for cultural heritage and localizing the SDGs.
ICOMOS Philippines would like to congratulate Mr. Caballero for his success and further contribution to the scientific work of linking heritage with the movement of sustainable development globally!
Unlike my other work in the private and public sectors, working in ICOMOS PH was the most fulfilling and unique of all. I had the experience to learn from the best of the best in the Philippine Cultural Heritage sector. I felt valued by members, who listened to my ideas for the organization and its stakeholders.
I applied for this internship because my scheduled trips in Asia for my masters degree were cancelled due to the pandemic. Little did I know it would open a huge door of opportunities for me- destiny indeed. I was assigned to the baseline pilot study for the research entitled: “Philippine Landscape Heritage Education: Review of the preparedness of Landscape Architecture curricula in the Philippines for the Specialization of Landscape Heritage Conservation (LHC)“. In this study, I was able to reach out and collaborate with stakeholders such as the Philippine Committee on International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes (ISCCL), Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA), Technical Committee of Landscape Architecture – Commission on Higher Education (TCLA – CHED), and Professional Regulation Commission – Board of Landscape Architecture (PRC – BOLA). Moreover, I was able to join committee meetings of ICOMOS PH wherein I was able to contribute and brainstorm to timely and pressing heritage issues, which increased my connection to Philippine Heritage.
The mentorship alone was already a worthwhile learning experience. Additionally, I was able to maximize my professional skills in academic research, stakeholder engagement, and project management. What I treasure the most is the professional and personal relationship I gained from the organization and its highly acclaimed members.
After this holistic internship, I will be continuing on to my final year of my masters degree in Europe and in the future, I will be doing another internship abroad, but this time I know I am more equipped and prepared, all thanks to ICOMOS Philippines.
For interested students or new graduates who would like to take internship with the organization, please contact
In accordance with the ICOMOS Philippines By-laws, the 2020 General Assembly will elect the Board of Trustees for a term of three years (2020-2023). The Board of Trustees will elect among themselves the Chairman / President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Information Session, held last 30 October 2020, provided more information on proposed policies, procedures, and by-laws amendments which further elaborated the scopes and responsibilities of the Board of Trustees.
Functions and Powers of the Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall have general charge of the property, business and affairs of the Organization with the power to manage, direct, and supervise the same under its collective responsibility as provided in the By-laws and the Policies and Procedure. Trustees shall:
Appoint or elect all officers, employees, and other administrative officers of the Organization as may be designated, except junior officers and minor employees; to define their duties and to discipline or remove them.
Purchase or otherwise acquire for the Organization rights and privileges of properties, and to manage, conserve, and invest the funds of the Organization
Approve the annual budget of the Organization
Delegate from time to time any of the powers of the Board which can lawfully be delegated to any standing or special committee or to any agent or officers and to appoint any person or persons to act as agents of the Organization with such powers and upon such terms as it may deem fit.
Additional Scope of Work of the Board of Trustees (based on the Policies and Procedure 2020)
Members of the ICOMOS Philippines Board of Trustees donate time and expertise to the Organization and they are part of a working board. As such, Trustees are expected to do the following tasks:
Donate a minimum of 10-20 hours a month of their time to the organization. Each trustee must take charge of one of the following for the duration of their tenure: staff management; fundraising; or 1 project per year
Assist the President in the cultivation of donors, partners, supporters, collaborators, allies, and other stakeholders
Ensure the organization’s activities are compliant and in furtherance of its mission in compliance with international parent organizations and local mission / vision
Engage in the creation of long and short-term goals with the President
Assist in review of financial statement
Respond to email within 48 hours for items for Board approval, as and when required.
Application Procedure:
Interested parties should submit their letter of intent and (1) curriculum vitae, (2) letter of intent, and (3) proposed agenda for the next 3 years to the ICOMOS Philippines Secretariat at with the email title “Trustees Application 2020 – Last Name” by 15 November 2020.
For more information on the position and how to apply, please read the information below.
ICOMOS Philippines’ Board of Trustees and Officers will be holding an ??????????? ??????? on ??????? ?? (??????), ?:??-9:3? ?? (???+?). In this event, the Board of Trustees will discuss the following:
Proposed update for the organization’s by-laws, policies and procedures
Voting procedures and candidature details for the upcoming board elections in November 2020
Members are highly encouraged to attend in preparation for the upcoming General Assembly and Board Elections. Members may RSVP through email to the secretariat at:
Last 13 October 2020, ICOMOS Philippines Member Mr. Ivan Henares was elected as Secretary General of the ICOMOS International Cultural Tourism Committee (ICTC) for 2020-2023.
The ICTC is a global network of cultural heritage, conservation and tourism professionals & academics; and a platform for multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder research and activities with the aim of achieving high standards in policy directions and management of cultural heritage at historic sites and tourism destinations. Mainstreaming cross-cutting issues places conservation and cultural tourism centre stage in sustainable development agendas. As an international professional network ICTC seeks to work at a strategic level to advise governments and influence international bodies – UNESCO, UNWTO & IUCN – to adopt policies and practices that better support cultural heritage conservation in the context of tourism development.
As Secretary General, Mr. Henares will be responsible for assisting the president of the committee in the running of ICTC and will circulate, direct, and/or coordinate internal communications among the members, to external parties and the ICOMOS Secretariat. He has previously served as Vice President for the Scientific Committee for 2 terms, from 2014-2017 and 2017-2020.
Here is what Ivan Henares’ response when asked what will be the future of cultural tourism amidst the global pandemic.
ICOMOS Philippines would like to congratulate Mr. Henares for his success and further contribution to the scientific work of cultural tourism professionals globally!
Kenneth Tua, Research Intern of ICOMOS Philippines for 2020, did a baseline study of the preparedness of Landscape Architecture curricula in the Philippines for the specialization of Landscape Heritage Conservation (LHC). Courses from four (4) Philippine universities were reviewed and thematic areas of study were proposed patterned from identified programs of UNESCO Chairs for Heritage and from other similar programs on cultural landscapes that exemplify course concentrations significant to the curriculum integration of the specialization of LHC. The study also provided a joint SWOT – PESTEL analyses to support the preparation of the ‘Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities’ to be obtained by the students from the LHC specialization.
The study entitled “PHILIPPINE LANDSCAPE HERITAGE EDUCATION: Review of the preparedness of Landscape Architecture curricula in the Philippines for the specialization of Landscape Heritage Conservation (LHC),” was supervised by Philippine members of the International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes, Mr. Gabriel Caballero, MA (Expert Member) and Dr. Susan Aquino-Ong, PhD (Advisory Member). Both advisors are also members of the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects, which is the national association of landscape architects in the country.
Thematic Areas of knowledge conceptualized to understand and manage cultural landscapes in the Philippines
Computing / Information Technology.The intervention of technology in the advancement of heritage conservation is vital in the future of preservation and restoration. The use of interactive websites, mobile applications, new multimedia and transmedia narratives, 2D and 3D photos, ethno-clips for heritage interpretation, content management system (CMS) and social media, 3D scanning, GIS, BIM or 3D reconstructions are the future of precise and detailed documentation and analysis of landscapes and heritage materials.
Conflictualities and Memory. Geopolitical tensions affecting cultural heritage and cultural landscapes are compounded by the complexity of their management due to potential conflicts of interest. Economic externalities and uncontrolled tourism can pose a threat to the integrity of landscapes and eventually lead to a sociological upheaval in the natural and cultural environment.
Cultural Diplomacy.The emergence of national and international awareness of the laws, policies and guidelines governing the landscapes and the natural environment plays a vital part in the protection against private interests and politics. The skills of cultural diplomatic affairs serve an important role in the pro-creation and amendments specificity of heritage and landscape-related laws.
Cultural Geography.The living cultural heritage of local landscapes are inseparable from its meaning, as it faces problems from social and economic developments such as poverty, loss of culture, endangerment of indigenous language, emigration etc., the establishment of development of the territory through heritage encourages the need for harmonious dialogue. This requires both the skills to pre-emptively evaluate projects and formulate management modalities that take into account the “behaviors” of the various stakeholders, not necessarily rational or concerned with guardianship of the values attested.
Natural Sciences.The continuation of the hardscape and softscape design aspects of Landscape Architecture which integrates traditional skills and indigenous knowledge on local and alternative materials retrieved from landscapes. Collaboration with biologists, horticulturists, geologists, local craftsmen and related professions are encouraged to train professionals in the complex and integrated management of landscapes and nature conservation.
National Citizenship.The Philippines is composed of various native language and dialects. It requires interculturality and transdisciplinary when thinking between micro-cultures in Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. When understanding the cultural heritage on these specific localities, it is important to familiarize or at least know the basics of various native language and culture. This also calls for the study of prominent figures and icons in Philippine History like José Rizal, Fernando Amorsolo and the likes who prompted early perspectives and valuing in the local landscapes.
Cultural Heritage Management.The specialization’s focal component which deals with cultural heritage and heritage preservation facets of Philippine landscapes. With the continuing modernization of built and natural landscapes, it is important to strike balance between conserving the physical integrity of the sites and nourishing their educational, historic and cultural values amidst the developing societal industries.
Epistemology. The classical natural sciences and its subsequent extension to the social and behavioral sciences dealing with the origin of history, nature of theories, and investigation of concepts. Further emphasizing heritage through analyzing socio-historical issues and epistemological issues of cultural goods and memory management of landscapes in coordination with conflictualities and memory thematic area.
Sustainability.The notion of sustainability and sustainable development on its application to the cultural landscapes has entered the World Heritage Operational Guidelines as early as 1994, with reference to the “sustainable use” of cultural landscapes. This idea is further stressed on the ‘Budapest Declaration’ which emphasizes the need to ensure an appropriate and equitable balance between conservation, sustainability and development, through appropriate activities contributing to the social and economic development and the quality of life of our communities.
Next Steps and Recommendations
These thematic areas of study are just initial findings of potential knowledge streams that can be taught for landscape architecture students. Further studies in collaboration with the Philippine Association of Landscape Architects (PALA), the Technical Committee for Landscape Architecture, Commission on Higher Education (TCLA CHED), Professional Regulation Commission – Board of Landscape Architecture (PRC – BOLA), and the four (4) universities will need to be done to refine the study in the future.
For interested researchers or interns who would like to know more about the confluence of cultural landscapes and education, please get in touch with ICOMOS Philippines for potential continuation of the study. Contact
The ICOMOS International Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG) was established in 2017, in response to the 2016 ICOMOS Annual Report’s call for expansion of the Emerging Professional membership base. Nine resolutions were passed at the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly, in Delhi, India, that constituted the roles and scope of activity undertaken by the EPWG (Resolution 19GA 2017/33 – Emerging Professionals Initiative). International and regional teleconferences are organized by the EPWG, to track the progress of ongoing initiatives, share updates, and further engage emerging heritage practitioners, in the role of an ICOMOS Working Group. The ICOMOS International Emerging Professionals Working Group (EPWG) was established in 2017, in response to the 2016 ICOMOS Annual Report’s call for expansion of the Emerging Professional membership base. Nine resolutions were passed at the 19th ICOMOS General Assembly, in Delhi, India, that constituted the roles and scope of activity undertaken by the EPWG . International and regional teleconferences are organized by the EPWG, to track the progress of ongoing initiatives, share updates, and further engage emerging heritage practitioners, in the role of an ICOMOS Working Group.
The period of appointment of the current Emerging Professional (EP) representative of the Philippines, Gabriel Caballero, concludes end 2020 – and we are therefore seeking candidates to take on this volunteer position for the period 2021- 2023.
For more information on the position and how to apply, please read the information below.
Please note that the applications must be sent to the ICOMOS Philippines Secretariat at with the email title “EPWG Application 2020 – Last Name” by 5 November 2020.
ICOMOS Philippines’ intern Kenneth Tua will present his research on Philippine Landscape Heritage Education. This is his final presentation for the Internship Programme.
Philippine Landscape Heritage Education16 October 2020 (Friday) | 8:00 PM Philippine Standard Time
“Philippine Landscape Heritage Education: Review of the preparedness of Landscape Architecture curricula in the Philippines for the specialization of Landscape Heritage Conservation (LHC)”
Mr. Kenneth J. Tua is a registered & licensed architect and a sustainable territorial development consultant. He graduated Bachelor of Science in Architecture at the University of Santo Tomas and have acquired professional certifications as a scholar in Sustainability, Sustainable Development, and Innovation programmes from YSISEA in Singapore, APYE in Thailand and Social Innovation Center, Hanyang University, South Korea. He previously worked for the Office of the President of the Republic of the Philippines – Pasig River Rehabilitation Commission (PRRC) where he handled the research of the proposed Manila Esplanade Lighting Project and low impact development projects. Currently, he is a graduate scholar of the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree in DYnamics of Cultural Landscape, heritage, Memory and conflictualities (DYCLAM+).
“Philippine Landscape Heritage Education”, is schedule this Friday, October 16, 2020, 8:00 PM (Philippine Standard Time)
ICOMOS Philippines is very pleased to welcome its new members for the year 2020! Get to know them as we share with you a brief of their profile and expertise.
Ana Georgia Sagum
Ms. Ana Georgia Sagum is an Erasmus Mundus scholar taking her Joint Master Degree program in Dynamics of Cultural Landscape, Heritage, Memory and Conflictualities (DYCLAM+) in Europe. She received her Bachelor’s degree in European Languages at the University of the Philippines Diliman.
She is currently a communications intern at the International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences, UNESCO, preparing for the European Humanities Conference 2021. She is also an online trainee at Culture Media Agency, Belgium. Prior to this, Georgia was the Philippine delegate for Taiwan Nature Treasure Map Program, producing tourism promotion materials for the country’s natural sites. She also spent time in Spain doing the Auxiliares de Conversación program spearheading classes and cultural events in conversational English.
Moved by languages, she speaks Tagalog, Kapampangan, English, French, Spanish, and is currently learning Portuguese. Gearing towards a career in heritage conservation, Georgia exhibits a strong interest in cultural and creative industries, fueled by her faith in the transformative power of culture with regards to identity empowerment and social cohesion.
Charl Justine Darapisa
L.Arch. Charl Justine Darapisa is a recent graduate from Seoul National University. His final dissertation focuses on discovering the landscape identities of vernacular landscape of Mangyan Iraya tribe through ethnographic study and social learning processes. With particular interests in Indigenous belief system and plural traditional knowledge, he wishes to uncover more similar conceptualizations of vernacular landscapes among different Indigenous communities in the Philippines. A chunk of his research was presented in the ICOMOS International Scientific Conference of Indigenous Cultural Heritage where he showed the relationship of different environmental and cultural values that shape the Mangyan Iraya’s forest conservation regimes. He believes that Landscape Architects have important roles in shaping our understanding towards culturally-significant landscapes in the country. In the future, he wants to explore the social-psychological dimensions of Indigenous communities that shape their environment and world view.
Jame Monren Tapalla Mercado
Mr. Jame Monren Tapalla Mercado
is a Faculty Member, Department of Tourism Management, University of Santo Tomas – College of Tourism and Hospitality Management, Faculty Research Associate, UST – Research Center for Social Sciences and Education, and Associate Researcher, UST – Graduate School – CCCPET. He obtained his BS in Hospitality Management (Magna Cum Laude) from the Colegio de San Juan de Letran – Intramuros, Manila, Master of Arts in Cultural Heritage Studies (Magna Cum Laude) from the University of Santo Tomas Graduate School, and an Executive Course in Designing and Developing Sustainable Tourism, Asian Institute of Management (Full Scholarship Grant). Currently, he is taking up a Graduate Certificate course in ASEAN Studies at the University of the Philippines Open University.
He presented and published different research locally and internationally, concentrating on heritage management and development and tourism planning and development. As an associate researcher of UST GS-CCCPET, some of his projects were the Ormoc City Continuing Projects specifically in conceptualizing a Sustainable Tourism Development Plan, Ysla de Panciteria – Luzon Island Project under the National Commission for Culture and the Arts Research Awards 2019 for an Individual Category and the Samar Island Natural Park Sustainable Tourism and Strategic Development Plan – as part of the Nomination Dossier for the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site.