ICOMOS NC United Kingdom and World Monuments Fund: Conference “Sea Change – Coastal Heritage and Climate Change”
Blackpool, Winter Gardens Conference Centre (97 Church St, Blackpool FY1 1HL), United KingdomWorld Monuments Fund and ICOMOS-UK
The purpose of the conference is to understand the growing impact of climate change on the built heritage of coastal communities around the world and identify how these impacts might be addressed. The conference is focused on built heritage rather than natural heritage or habitats, although it is recognised that there may be elements that overlap between the two. The conference will be aimed at policy makers,heritage bodies, practitioners and academics and will feature a range of speakers from diverse disciplines and professional backgrounds.
Official contact: seachangeinfo@wmf.org.uk
Official website: https://wmf.org.uk/events/sea-change-conference/
ICOMOS ISCs CIAV-ISCEAH: 2019 Conference and CIAV Annual Meeting
Pingyao, Shan Xi Province, ChinaOrganised by Pingyao County People’s Government, International Scientific Committees CIAV (Vernacular Architecture) - ISCEAH (Earthen architectural heritage), ICOMOS National Committee in China and WHITRAP-Shanghai
Support: The Academic Committee of Historical and Cultural City Planning, the Urban Planning Society of China (ACHCCP-UPSC),The Academic Committee of Urban and Rural Built Heritage, the Architectural Society of China (ACURBH-ASC),Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute CO.,LTD. (TJUPDI)
Official contact: ShaoYong, nyshao163@163.com, ISCEAH Board member & CIAV member
ICOMOS ISC IIWC (Wood): 22nd IIWC International Symposium. Wooden heritage Conservation: beyond disciplines
Bilbao, Biscaye, EspagneOfficial contact: mikel@lo-arquitectos.com
ICOMOS ISC IIWC (Wood): 1st IIWC Course on Wooden Heritage Conservation
Saint-Sébastien, Guipuscoa, EspagneOfficial contact: mikel@lo-arquitectos.com
ICOMOS NC Germany: International Conference of ICOMOS and the City of Munich: “The Heritage of the Modern Olympic Games. Historic Sports Facilities between Conservation and Conversion”
Munich, Olympic Park, GermanyConference to be held by ICOMOS Germany and the City of Munich in November 2019 in cooperation with the Bavarian Heritage Conservation Authority and the Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung (DASL). Using the example of the modern Olympic Summer Games, the event aims to analyse the role of sport in the modern society of the 20th century and explore and discuss the conservation chances and conflicts of Olympic Summer Game sites in a European and worldwide context.
Heritage Practice Amidst Covid-19: ICOMOS Philippines Discussion
As part of the International Day of Monuments and Sites 2020 theme of "Shared Heritage, Shared Responsibility, and Shared Culture", ICOMOS Philippines is organising a zoom discussion entitled, "Heritage Practice …
ICOMOS Webinar Series Episode 1: Place-Making and Food Security – Thinking of Heritage Conservation and Food Production
Facebook Live ICOMOS Philippines Facebook PageThe webinar, "Place-Making and Food Security - Thinking of Heritage Conservation and Food Production", is scheduled this Saturday, June 20, 2020 - 6pm (Philippine Standard Time). ICOMOS Philippines would like …
ICOMOS Webinar Series Episode 2: When Communities Engage – Tools for Community Participation in Heritage
Facebook Live ICOMOS Philippines Facebook PageThis webinar discusses community engagement that is applicable to built heritage and landscapes, using perhaps the most abstract form of heritage that seems most removed from our lives—archaeology.