From the 3rd to the 7th December 2018, members of ICOMOS Philippines attended the Annual General Assembly of the International Council of Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) held in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This meeting is part of a three-year cycle of formal discussions leading to the next General Assembly which will be held in Sydney, Australia by 2020.
ICOMOS Philippines was represented by the following members: Tina Paterno, ICOMOS President, Gabriel Caballero, Contributing Expert of ISCCL and EPWG Commnunications Officer, and John Peterson, ICAHM President.

Ms. Paterno attended the Regional Group meeting for Asia-Pacific and presented the current activities of ICOMOS Philippines. Mr Caballero, together with the ICOMOS Board, organised the World Heritage Training Session which was aimed at engaging members about the organisation’s role within the World Heritage system. Mr. Peterson chaired the annual meeting of the International Scientific Committee on Archaeological Heritage Management . The proceedings of these discussions will be published by ICOMOS Argentina in the months to come.